Thursday, August 6, 2015

KINDERGARTEN {is loads of fun}!!

Ethan's first day of school has come and gone. He's still hyper from all the excitement of today and I am about to crash any minute from waking up way earlier than I'm used to and no nap{I have an excuse!} today since all I could do was watch the clock counting down the minutes until I picked up my firstborn. 

I just still can't believe this day is here. I know most of us mothers seriously can tell you that it was just yesterday we were bringing them home from the hospital. You wake up two days later and BAM::: they're in Kindergarten. And this is fairly accurate! To see where Ethan is now is such a handsome reward. 

Psalm 127:3-4 says "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands." And that is what these past few months have revealed to me--I just didn't realize it until a precious friend shared this scripture with me{thanks Laci! For the blog post she shared click here} The past five years Ethan has been the arrow and Darren and I, the warriors. Darren and I have shaped and molded him into who he is today. Although my job is not done, it is so rewarding to see who he has become thus far. He has such a sweet disposition and is always willing to help those in need. He is thoughtful with a generous heart. He is serious with a splash of silly. And as earthly parents, Darren and I couldn't be more proud of where our son is headed. We praise Him for this new chapter in Ethan's life. We pray we can shape and chisel him in God's image so our son can be used for His glory. Congratulations Ethan on a successful & fun filled day in Kindergarten! We love you, sweet boy! 

Here are some Q & A's from Ethan today:

Q: What was the best part of the day?
A: The whole day was the best part! {come on, make a heart smile!}

Q: What was the worst part of the day?
A: Rest time because someone was touching my mat

Q: Was school fun today?
A: "It was funner than fun!" {as he is jumping all over my furniture!! ahhhhh!!}

Q: Did you make any new friends today?
A: Yes, Brogan. I was able to help him on the computer. And also, Trenton(sp?)...he had neat hair. It was really super short on the sides and spiked up in the middle. {and so Ethan then learned what a mohawk is, ha!}

More facts about Ethan at FIVE years old:

My friends: Jackson, Noah, Edith, Taylor, Brogan and Trenton{obviously new friends count too!}
My favorite color: Green
My favorite food: Chicken
My favorite animal: Lion
My favorite TV show: Odd Squad
My favorite things to do: Hide & Seek, Ipad, Pretend Fighting & Zombies vs. Emma 
My favorite book: The Night before Kindergarten
When I want to grow up I want to be: A Doctor or a Dentist
I am good at: Hide & Seek, Coloring inside the lines & Reading

I think it's safe to say, today was a great day! Praying for a wonderful rest of the year! And now to mommy's photo "shoot" because I'm just that mom :) 

Ready to go!

Not a single complaint for making him pose :)

Sissy HAD to get in the picture. She loves to smile for that camera!

And we have to throw in a silly face!

Sweet boy at his table in his new classroom!

Ethan & his new teacher, Mrs. Weldon! Blessed to have such a wonderful teacher to start his school years!

Ethan is one of Mrs. Weldon's Cool Cats!

Ethan "Rocked" his first day of Kindergarten!
Donuts for Dessert!
Emma got a donut too :) She made it the whole day without her "bubba!"

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