Saturday, June 29, 2013

Half Baked!

Let's be honest with myself, I can cook, but, most of the time, I simply choose not to. When you have an awesome husband who actually enjoys messing up the kitchen and making delicious food is there any reason to argue with that? However, I will admit, I am making an honest effort to try to enjoy cooking for my family and the bonus is more time with all three of us together(and I can finally stand the texture and smell of raw meat)! On another note, one thing I am awesome at is baking!!! Well, not cakes, or chocolate treats, but baking buns in the oven ;~)

I cannot believe I am twenty weeks pregnant with our sweet, precious miracle. Halfway there! So far, we have had nine ultrasounds, one really big scare at fourteen weeks, and a really great and healthy report at our eighteen week anatomy scan. And for the icing on my metaphorical baking, it's a girl. I keep telling everyone, I will not be surprised at all if "she" comes out a "he." According to statistics, she weighs around 10.5 oz(she weighed 9oz two weeks ago), is 6.4 inches from head to bottom and is the size of banana. And for your viewing pleasure:
My husband, Darren is excited. One of the first things he told me after we found out the sex is that he was afraid he wouldn't know how to play with a girl and that all he knew was boy fun and games. I told him, from having the XX chromosome, that he has nothing to worry about. She will have NO problem telling him HOW to play, WHERE to play, WHEN to play,  & WHATEVER she may choose to play ;). I know if she's anything like her mommy, we are in for a wild ride!

My three year old son, Ethan, has mixed feelings about the whole baby business. He is constantly wanting her to be here already asking me when she is going to come out of mommy's tummy, but he refuses to hold her, feed her or change any poopy diapers....I don't understand why he doesn't want to change stinky pants ;) Hoping his outlook on her changes once she arrives. Ethan still never ceases to amaze me. A couple of nights ago, he called for me while he was in bed---after he needed to go to the bathroom, after we put his "itchy" cream on his bug bite, after we got him his glass of water---to tell me he missed Baby Asher and he wanted him to come home. It breaks our hearts to see him miss his baby brother and I just tell him we get to be reunited with him one day because of God's promise for us.

I never imagined that I would be pregnant again this soon and I can finally feel confident in saying she is a complete and pleasant surprise for our whole family. My emotions have been nothing short of a roller coaster and I try to take every day, one day at a time. At the beginning, I found myself crying A LOT. I felt like I was betraying Asher in a sense of another baby coming into our life so soon. I had to remind myself that this is God's plan for us and for our sweet baby girl, not ours. I was and still am afraid of losing another child because all of our days are numbered......

But, today, I am pregnant! And half-baked :~)