Wednesday, June 25, 2014

244 days young!

Eight months is here today! This past month has been so much fun with you, little lady. We look at you and we just watch those wheels spinning. You have hit so many milestones this month and have done it so effortlessly.

 Here are just a couple of things you have done:

{Sprouted your second tooth}
{Expanded your food with spaghetti, tacos, bread, cheese, eggs, canteloupe. You really do like your big girl food!}
{You said "Ma-ma"!}
{You said "Da-Da"!}
{You said Buh-Buh"}
{Sat up on your own}
{Started crawling}
{Pulling up onto furniture}

Here are just a few of your favorite things right now:

Favorite Song: {The Ants go Marching One by One}
Favorite Meal: {Desert aka PUFFS--you light up like Christmas morning when you see them!}
Favorite Person: {Your Ma-ma....pretty sure it's because I hold your main source of food, hehe}
Favorite Toy: {Your Picnic Basket}
Favorite Book: {you'd rather chew them than let me read to you}
Favorite Game: {Peek-a-Boo}
Favorite TV Show: {Mickey Mouse Clubhouse}

And my favorite part of your monthly updates....PICTURES! Which are getting ridiculously hard when you are on the GO!!! Keep growing love bug, you do it so well! Mommy loves you, Emma!!!
Sweet Emma face! Fresh from naptime <3

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Two of mommy's precious babies

Those piggies, though!

Told both of you to give me your cute face. At least one of you listened!

Hey Mama!!

All you need is Love~

Sprouting up like a beautiful flower~~~~@

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sassy & Seven Months!

Well, Mommy's a little late posting your seven months. We have just been so busy with end of the year school programs and two trips to the beach recently. Just when we thought summer was going to help slow us down, it's right back on track with play dates, summer fun & frenzy!

At seven months, you are doing great! You are rolling over to get to every destination. You are attempting to crawl with every bit of frustration but just can't quite get it yet. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth....and then face plant. It's just so precious watching you try and learn this little thing called "life."

Here are you monthly stats:

*You weigh about 18 1/2 lbs
*Wear 9-12 month clothing most of the time, some 12-18 months on rompers
*You got your first two teeth this month...and they're sharp little things!
*You are way more interested in "big kid" food than baby food. At this point, you eat what we eat and can't get enough of it!
*Attempting to crawl
*Your brother is your best friend
*You love the beach
*You love to take!
*You sleep from 6:30/7p-7a most nights with the occasional night feed
*You give your mommy big open-mouthed kisses, complete with giggles

We love you sunshine! You and your brother brighten our days!

Look closely, and you'll see my first two teeth!

Water baby!!