Monday, January 7, 2013

Four Months....

Happy four months to my little angel in heaven. I remember your big brother at four months...he was rolling over, holding his bottle, trying to sit up and eating rice cereal for the first time. Oh, how I wish I could see you make these milestones. Your Nene went to visit you today. I am so glad you have your grandparents right around the corner to watch over your body. I know they visit you often and I am so thankful that they are there to do so. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you sweet baby. We miss you more than words can ever express, but I know you are watching over us waiting for our reunion.

God led me to the verses of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 today as a reminder for your big brother. This life is hard and I have taken so many things for granted and if I can teach your big brother anything, I want him to know Jesus Christ and have faith that all things are possible in Him. Little boy, you have opened my eyes. My life has changed because of you. I am thankful for you. I love you. Until we see each other again.

Your mommy

Your headstone is beautiful with the scripture Matthew 4:19

You know your mommy loves a monogram :)