Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy 4 Months, Princess!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.

 My sweet, silly, loud, Emma Jemma :) You are four months today. I cannot believe how fast time is slipping through my fingers. Taking pictures constantly of you is the only way I know how to freeze time. The past two weeks you have been regressing in your sleep & it hasn't been easy. You used to sleep through the night and now you get up around 3AM. That's easy peasy. But, whew, girlfriend! You and I battle during the day:---you fuss, you yawn, I rock, you cry, I rock, you pout.......and then you sleep. I keep rocking because I know you need the sleep. And I stare at your precious chubby cheeks and your tiny, yet full lips. I memorize your little fingers and toes because they are literally growing in front of my eyes. I listen to you fall in a deeper sleep and then you start to snore. And I know then, that I have done exactly what you needed. To be there for you through the rough patch, to calm you down, to put you at ease. I hope I can always be that to you sweet one!
 And I finally lift you up to lay you in your crib as gently as I can so I don't wake you. And I take the next twenty minutes(yes, that is how long your naps are these days!) and love on your big brother. Your patient, loving, big brother, Ethan. He is so understanding of your needs & it truly amazes me that an almost four year old can be that compassionate for his sister. I don't want to rush time by saying this, but, I know we have some fun times and tickle fights in our near future with you and your big brother. 

 Baby girl, you are growing leaps and bounds! You weigh about 17lbs now and about 25" long. I say about, because the home scale gave us about four different weights so we took an average :) and your length...well, I did the best I could because you're a little wiggle worm!
 You are doing so much better with tummy time these days. I'm not going to sit here and say you like it, because let's face it....you really don't. You just tolerate it. But, I promise, baby girl, I wouldn't make you do it if it weren't for your well being. You even did a little mini push-up for the first time yesterday!
 Here is proof that you only tolerate it for so long......
 You may not enjoy tummy time, but you LOVE to be sitting up. You want to see the world! I ordered a high chair for you yesterday so you could sit up with mommy in the kitchen---your legs are even too chunky for the bumbo. You are still exclusively breast fed and still refuse to take a bottle! Daddy has even tried to feed you milk with a medicine dropper and you will not have it. The past four months have been such an adventure little one. We can't wait for many more. Love you always & forever little princess....Love, Mommy.