Sunday, September 15, 2013

Have a little faith in me....

It was a hot, muggy August day. The sun scorched Ethan and me as we walked to little Miss Ava's birthday party, beads of sweat starting to form on both of our heads. Several kids were jumping on the bounce house having a wonderful time and Ethan decided he was better off on the front porch because it was a "girl" bounce house and not a "boy" one....silly kid, but who was I to argue? The next thing I noticed was a ever so light buzzing. Turning my head to see if I needed to react in fear of a wasp or bee, all I saw was this harmless dragonfly. I put my finger out and it landed right on it, with no hesitation. It was beautiful and I can say that with confidence because this dragonfly contentedly mapped my finger and hand and went across the little bridge of my son's finger connecting to mine for a few minutes as if he was our house pet and knew us. For a few minutes, Ethan talked to the little dragonfly in his innocent three year old voice while I just took in the moment. The dragonfly had a black body with a huge blue head and it's wings were this bright, green color. It was the most beautiful insect I honestly had ever laid eyes on. And in those few minutes, any thought of dying from a heat stroke were gone. 

A year ago, I would sit on our back porch and pray, think, and cry over my lost son. And there would always be dragonflies and I truly believe that was God's sign for our family of Asher. They would surround us out on the back porch and land on us. Such a small insect in a big world taking such a leap of faith to trust enough to land on the unknown. And on the hot, August day, as I watched this beautiful creature, it hit me. God is telling me something so beautiful right now, in this moment. And it took a year for it to be so clear. God knows in this world there is fear in the unknown, but all He asks of us is to believe in Him, to have hope in Him and to have FAITH and to TRUST in all things Him and we will be taken care of. It's amazing how if we stop and take the time to really listen, He is speaking to us all the time. I am so grateful for the message through the dragonfly and how God reminds me of all the blessings through the storms.