Friday, April 25, 2014

What a special day, today was!

I woke up today thinking it would be another ordinary day. Coffee with one of my besties, a play date with Baby Sam & his mommy, and at some point I had to take some obligatory pictures of Emma's 6 month birthday! Today, on April 25th, one of my friends, went into labor at 25 weeks gestation with twin boys. As soon as I got the text to lift them up in prayer, I dropped everything and sitting there praying, peace overflowed through my spirit and flesh. I can so freshly remember all the prayers lifted through my pregnancy with Emma and I firmly believe that each and everyone of those prayers were accounted for and God made sure those prayers were answered. And with each prayer lifted for these beautiful boys and knowing the hundreds of people lifting the same prayers, God is taking into account every single one of them and here I am stating that I firmly believe He will provide and answer! I have so much love for this precious family so if you happen to be reading this, please say a special prayer for these twins and the journey ahead for them.

And for my little birthday princess, Happy 1/2 year birthday Emma! You are growing leaps and bounds and it's amazing to see life through your eyes right now. You are on a schedule now, thanks to the help from some fabulous mommy friends, and life has gotten its groove back. You're sitting up so well now, rolling both ways, and have the cutest rolls to boot! <------that's probably just the "biased" in me coming out, but they are pretty darn cute & squishy! I haven't weighed you but you are getting so heavy and you are getting long! You wear 12 months size clothing very comfortably, but by golly, you are going to wear all your 9 month outfits even if it means two to three outfits a day! You haven't cut any teeth yet and really don't drool that much. You are a social lil' gal. You will go to most everyone and flash your gummy grin to most folks. I cannot get over how happy of a baby you are; God seriously knew I needed you little one! Your brother thinks you hung the moon and will do anything to make you happy. I love watching the bond between you two grow; it truly melts my heart and I intend to remind you of these days when you both want to tear each other apart.

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better day to celebrate LIFE! God's miracles are all around us if we take the time to look. I am so blessed to celebrate the precious Norman twins and my sweet Emma.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Friday, April 11, 2014

~God Bless Emma~

Matthew 19:14But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 15After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.

April 6,2014: The day we gave Emma Charlotte to the Lord in front of our friends and family and promised to raise this child with the love of Jesus Christ. To watch her innocence and know that God has entrusted us to protect her on this earth and rear her in God's truth and light, was to say the least, a very heart warming experience. Not only is this a huge responsibility but I consider it a blessing and privilege to be chosen to be her family.

I know there will be days where I will fail. When I yell. When I feel like giving up. But at the end of the day when they are sleeping so sound and look like angels, I will think of his mercies, grace and for the opportunity of tomorrow. I pray I can be the light to my precious children. 

Emma, you were such a beautiful, precious girl on the day of your baptism. Even though this a symbol of our promise to teach you how to be Christ-like, we hope that you will give your heart to the Lord on your own one day. And on that day, my prayer that I pray for you every night will have been answered.

Pastor Bill Woodson presenting Emma to the church

Presenting Emma her baptism handkerchief . Monogrammed and all! <3

And she loved it!

Pastor Bill wrote Emma a letter to open when she is ten years old. I hope I remember where I put it!

The pretty princess

It just happened to be right in the middle of nap time.

Our family, just missing Asher.


My baptism dress in 1984 that Emma was supposed to wear....Couldn't even get the sleeves past Emma's forearms...
I was extremely upset, but I had to remind myself that today wasn't about what she wore.....

The blanket Emma's Nene was wrapped in 57 years ago on her way home from the hospital. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Fabulous Five!

Sweet, sassy & stubborn: That's my Emma at 5 months!!!

And I wouldn't have it ANY other way!!!!

People always say the second child is always more "difficult." First of all, it's so hard calling Emma the "second" child, but I have succumbed to society knowing it's easier saying it then having to explain that technically she's my "fourth" child......

Anyway, enough about that....Onto this challenging little girl that I call my pretty princess!! Emma's fifth month I think was the absolute most challenging by far. *Sleep Regression* hit....HARD. I will be blogging about this experience. *Rolling over* for the first time took place, but getting there wasn't easy! During this month, I honestly felt like a first time parent again. Things that worked for Ethan, do not work for this girl. She definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. At five months Emma:

*Weighs about 17lbs 8oz
*Knows how to roll over
*Is smiling and giggling at your reflection
*Grabs for something, and usually gets it the first try....and then crams it in her mouth
*Started solids::(rice cereal(she tolerates)), avocados(she tolerates & will only eat off of my finger), sweet potatoes(also tolerate and will only eat off of my finger)...notice a trend? This evening, I smashed a banana and she ate like a champ....from a spoon!
*"Talking" more & more
*Is getting better at her ability to self-soothe
*Started sleeping in her own crib at night
*Loves to be rocked
*I saved the best for last......Emma successfully took a bottle...yesterday and today. Tonight was the first night in five months that someone else put her down for the night besides me! I never thought I would be SO excited about a bottle!!! 

Happy 5 months princess!!!!

4 Years!!

Happy Birthday, Ethan! You are FOUR years old---You know it, we know it, and even strangers know it now, because you are just SO proud to be FOUR!!

I always knew I wanted to be a mother. That's all I ever wanted to be. And then I had you.....and I knew that is what God intended me to be: not just any mother, but yours. How blessed am I to call you my son! You made my dreams come true, my big man! At four years old, you surprise me daily. Your thoughtfulness is overwhelming and makes my heart so happy. Your questions and curiosity are admirable. Your ability to learn quickly and intelligence completely baffles me. Your imagination is truly out of this world. Your child-like faith is something I aspire to have everyday. The energy you possess is addictive and I can't get enough of it(well, maybe around naptime....I could use a rest myself!).

I think my most favorite conversation I've ever had with you was about these little "sun spots" speckled on your skin. You noticed a spot one day and asked me what it was and without hesitation I responded, "Those are what we call an angel kiss. When you are asleep, angels come and give you kisses and leave those little spots." Your eyes lit up and I took you to the bathroom to show you ALL the angel kisses on you. When you had asked me that question, I didn't even hesitate with the answer, because I know in my heart you have the most special angel watching over you. You are such a special boy & I hope you enjoyed every minute of your birthday celebration. I promise you this son; I will celebrate YOU every day. Mommy loves you!