Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy One Month Birthday, Emma Charlotte!

1 Samuel: 27-28 ESV
"27For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him. 28Therefore I have lent him to the LORD. As long as he lives, he is lent to the LORD."

Hi Pretty Princess,

You have no idea how much joy it brings to me every time I look at your peaceful little face. A year ago I was grieving the loss of your older brother and now I have you in my arms. I would have never guessed this was God's plan for us. And I am forever thankful. He has prepared me for you this past year and my heart has never been so full of love for you and Ethan. 

Emma, you have made this past month so beautiful. I had no idea what to expect or how to feel once you came, but I am overcome with happiness and thankfulness. I look at your big brother, Ethan, holding you and loving on you and cannot help but to praise God. 

At one month, you:
* weigh 10lbs 9oz (7lbs 5oz at birth), 
* you LOVE to eat (refer back to your weight), 
* you wake up twice during the night to nurse and have a diaper change, 
* you love bath time, 
* you smiled at a few days old (while asleep) but now will smile at me awake :))
* you can turn your head side to side,
* your eyes are still a dark blue,
* you can hold an object if we put it in your hand,
* you grunt like a pig all night long in your sleep,
* you love to be held/worn in the K'tan wrap,
* you have a calm & peaceful disposition

I truly cannot wait to see what the months ahead bring in your precious life and through the holidays! 

Love always,
Your mommy

Monday, November 4, 2013

You're 10 days old.....

Hey there sweet baby girl, 

It's Mommy, here. You're in my arms nursing for the 11th time today. And Mommy's tired and exhausted. But, I want you to know something. Your Mommy wouldn't have it any other way. I have been dreaming of this ever since your biggest brother Ethan was too old to even be called a "baby" anymore. I never thought my dream would be shattered last year when your other brother, Asher, left this world to go to Heaven. 

There's this saying, "The Lord giveth, The Lord taketh away." And sitting with a group of wonderful women studying the Word, it was brought to our attention that really, "The Lord giveth, The Lord taketh away, and The Lord giveth more." Sweet And precious Emma, you are my "more." I have been blessed by your precious life and your precious smiles. And it is my promise to you and your brother Ethan to love you both with all that I have. To nurture you only the way a mother can. To kiss your boo-boo's and teach you your ABC's. And to show you how to love and live like Jesus. Oh, how wonderful this life will be. 

Sweet dreams precious one,